This series of films were located by Denis Hogan Sr. He had them transferred from 8mm film to DVD back in 2011. More recently Barry Baker whose father, mother and uncle feature in the videos uploaded them to the internet. The reference to 1958 events is because of the 1958 Winter Trial caption, research has shown that the Corkscrew hill is likely 1956 so it is possible other events are from this 1956 to 1958 period.

The officials of the club during 1958 were President Dick Nash, Chairman George Newenham, directors included Noel Thompson and Paddy Fogarty

The Winter Trial was held 9 February 1958 and was round 12 of 16 in the Hewison Championship. SV (Val) Baker (uncle of Barry) took the premier award with "TheThing". There were 16 starters with one non finisher.

The entry included A Malcolm (Buckler), R Nash (Dellow), C Vard (VW), SM Logan (VW), K Sherry (VW) 

Preparation for the Circuit of Munster 25/26 May 1958 on the Dock Road, Limerick city

Continuation of the Circuit of Munster above held on the Dock Road in Limerick. This area was popular as start or finish trial in such events as the Circuit of Munster and the Circuit of Clare.

This is also Circuit of Munster. The Buckler originally owned by Guy Baker, now owned by his son Barry, can be seen from 1m 00s to 1m 08s probably driven by its second owner Alex Malcolm.

The author has been advised this may be the 1956 Corkscrew as Billy Bradshaw has been identified in the Jaguar.

Limerick Motor Club had four Major events during 1958 -Winter Trial, Circuit of Munster, Hillclimb and Circuit of Clare 28 September 1958. There were also a number of smaller events  such as a hillclimb at Portroe Slate Quarries, a fun navigation trial and more. Competitors active in 1958 included Dave Nicholson (Thunderbird), Don Gray (MG TC and Morris Minor) Louis Smith (Triumph TR2), JD Garry (Ford Consul), Hector Newenham (MG Saloon)), Bryan Geary (VW), Tommy Ballantyne (FIAT), Raymond Roche (MG and Morris Minor), Dick Barrett (Triumph and DKW)

Rallies of the time consisted of navigation to tests typically at crossroads as in the film above. The Circuit of Munster was typically over 500 miles over two days of the Whit Weekend.

Event starting at the Hurlers on the Dublin Road just outside Limerick city

Val Baker in "The Thing" can be seen in action from 1m 43s to 2m 00s in this crossroads test

The author has identified some cars in the films. So names are based on other events in the time period
FI 7671 Hillman Minx Californian
ZF 5610 Fiat 1100
FI 6080 Buckler originally owned by Guy Baker Driven in many events in the late 50s by Alec Malcolm
PI 8077 The Thing owned by Val Baker
ZL 8745 Dellow  Richard (Dick) J Nash

Lots of Beetles
TI 6864 first registered to club member D M O'Brien
TI 7969 first registered to club member J Garry
PRI 54 Sam Logan
ZP 2128 T P O'Connell
ZT 8370 Joe O'Mahoney and Reggie Tilson used this car on the 1956 RAC rally
PZF 7035?, EIK 368, ZT 6419, ZT 6419, FI 7242, ZT 6030, BI 8641, ZT 9315, IR 6554,

A few DKWs ZF 6184, ZF 5536, ZX2244, ZX1832, ZX291, __699_
ZF 5214 DKW is at Kilgarvan Motor Museum (2)

ZM 2174 Jaguar XK 120 Link to recent history of this car Used by W E (Bill) Bradshaw to win 1956 Sexton Trophy

Assorted MG T series cars probably TDs,
NCD 69 TD known to T type register (3)
ZL 5035 TD known to T type register (3)
ZE 8314, TI 5561, ID 3751 (possibly IO)

Triumph TR2
TI 7171 in both blue and white. This car was owned by Sean Fitzgerald one of the founders of Limerick Motor Club. It is not known survivor (1)
BI 6600 dark green owned by Brian McCaldin from Monaghan. This was a famous early 'long door' TR2 extensively raced & rallied in Irl & UK. Not a known survivor (1)
ZN 3501 Louis Smith was the owner in 1958, the car survives. (1)

IL 7772 Austin A30
CIK 147 Fiat 500
URI 696 Morris Minor
RRI 75_ Ford Prefect
TI 6918 Ford Anglia first registered to club member Hector Newenham

LRI 839 Special described variously as a Ford 1000 -it survives-  (1) and Jack Toohey's Dellow with supercharged 1172cc(4)
HRI 7 Elmer Connell's special
ZE 9443 Cavey Special built by M Cavey later used by Rodney Stafford
ZP 364  Ford Special used by club member Don Gray

Not identified yet
KRI 300 black sports car
ZZ 6538 red sports car on the loose surface hill

Cars in another film to be uploaded
TI 9001 Red Ford driven by Claire Fitzgerald
TI 6848 Vauxhall first registered to L Cronin

Help in linking drivers/owners to cars would be greatly appreciated, send information toemail

or message the club facebook page


(1) TR register

(2) DKW club Ireland

(3) MG T type register

(4) IMRC Archivist