Con MulcahyGood Results at a Sunny but chilly Mondello Park



The Motor Enthusiiasts Club held a rally sprint at Mondello Park 16 December . The weather was sunny but with a chilly breeze blowing across the track. Club members Con Mulcahy and Mike O'Connor made the trip from county Limerick for the event but this was not equal to the journey made by Senan O'Connor who drove his competition prepared FIAT Cinquecento from west Cork.

After the familiarisation run the three settled into cautious first runs. Con commented after his Nova's first run that the track was very slippy. Mike erred on the side of caution when he caught an Escort and decided against making an overtaking move. Mike's time in his EVO was 8m00.17s,Con's time 8:15.07 and Senan's time 9:21.17. They all comented that there was more time to be found.

Senan's second run was more eventful with the 'Cento overheating, he suspected a blown head gasket. Even with that hie improved his time to 9:04.77. Mike improved to 7:47.95 and Con to 7:50.68.

The improvements continued in the third run Mike now down to 7:43.70, Con 7:45.54 and Senan 8:58.03.

Con Mulcahy Nova 1st in class 23:51.29
Mike O'Connor EVO 2nd in class 23:31'82
Senan O'Connor Cinquecento 4th in class 27:23.97

All were pleased with their day, but Senan had the long drive to Limerick with a blown head gasket to  stay with Paul O'Connell. Senan's friend Aurian followed behind as emergency tow vehicle

Con Mulcahy

  Con Mulcahy

Mike O'Connor

Mike O'Connor

Mike and Con

Mike advising Con on the best way around the track

Senan O'connor

Senan O'Connor

Apologies to Mike O'Connor for various reasons a video of his driving was not made.

Final Result Page 1

Final Result Page 2